It Seems Trump Was Hiding Top Secret Documents

It Seems Trump Was Hiding Top Secret Documents
It Seems Trump Was Hiding Top Secret Documents

Think about it for a moment. We all know that Donald Trump hauled 15 boxes of classified and top secret documents to Mar-a-Lago. It is an indisputable fact. We also know that the National Archives recovered the 15 boxes back in early February of 2022. Between February and July, is it possible that the National Archives concluded that it seems Trump was hiding top secret documents he refused to return back in February, which prompted the FBI raid? It is the only logical explanation for “Probable Cause” for a search warrant no judge would sign if the evidence was not waterproof.

This leads us to the next question: If Trump was dumb enough to keep some documents, classified or top secrets he snatched to his private home, was he also dumb enough to keep them in his safe at home? The best probable answer to the two questions is a resounding YES.

We may certainly know shortly whether this was the case. Which also explains the statement Trump issued playing the victim while giving himself an exit strategy by leveling threats against the U.S. Government and accusing the FBI of planting evidence should the DOJ indict him for stealing top US secrets.

By accusing the FBI of planting evidence, Trump is coming full circle towards the total dismantlement of our democracy.


The next question to ask is: Why would a twice-impeached US President keep top secret documents? Knowing his tendencies to seek revenge, was Trump willing to trade these secrets to harm the US intelligence community, which never trusted him because of its doubts that he is an agent for the Russians.

What other explanation might the FBI have for his behavior? For Trump, personal revenge is far more important than him protecting his own country, or its institutions he is now attacking viciously in preparation for a fascist takeover à la Hitler Germany circa 1933. This is Trump’s ultimate goal: A takeover of the whole country by a small group of white supremacists Anglo-Saxon Protestants who believe this is their country. The rest of us are all servants or just passing visitors.

By accusing the FBI of planting evidence, Trump is coming full circle towards the total dismantlement of our democracy. This preparatory step is nothing but part of the same plan that Mike Flynn, Trump’s former National Security Advisor, wanted to cut short by seeking the deployment of martial laws in order for Trump to remain in power on a permanent basis. Never to leave again.

Trump is fueling a mob for the second time to attack the U.S. Government. Any bet takers, someone is going to die because of his inciting and fiery words?


Noah Rothman wrote a must-read article for MSNBC laying the foundation for Trump’s attempts at losing trust in our government. Piece-by-piece. In it, he says:

The proper response to the FBI’s precedent-setting search of a former president’s residence over an allegation that had not previously justified such extraordinary measures is not, however, to attack the legitimacy of America’s governing institutions — not without evidence justifying this equally extraordinary charge. It would be to demand investigations, depositions, even resignations depending on what is uncovered. These are the sorts of measures that can only be sought by other competing, equally legitimate federal institutions. Jealous stewards of that legitimacy would not fan the flames of popular resentment, which have the potential to fuel a mob.MSNBC by Noah Rothman - August 10, 2022

Trump is fueling a mob for the second time to attack the U.S. Government. Any bet takers, someone is going to die because of his inciting and fiery words? Maybe a Democratic Congressman, or FBI agents staking a criminal, or even some high official in the Biden Administration. Just as Trump incited another mob on January 6, which resulted in the death of five people.

How should we respond to his threats or those who dare respond to Trump’s new calls for violence? As if al-Qaeda descended on Washington. With fire and brimstone.


What this episode with Trump demonstrates beyond any doubt is that there are two kinds of citizens in this country. The ones that must abide by our laws, and the ones who are, or think they are, above it. Even if it seems Trump was hiding top secret documents, no federal agency has the right to search his home. If he chooses to, he could haul the National Archives to his own home in Florida where foreign spies are a dime a dozen and no government agency should hold him accountable no matter the laws on the books or the damage to this country that he claims he loves.

This is what white privilege looks like, folks. Unapologetic, in your-face corruptible misconduct that anyone calling it for does so at their own peril. In this instance the peril of casting doubt about the integrity of the FBI conducting a warranted and reasonable search.

Will Trump call for his supporters to descend on Washington fully-armed should he be indicted? Yes, without a doubt. How should we respond to his threats or those who dare respond to Trump’s new calls for violence? As if al-Qaeda descended on Washington. With fire and brimstone. After Trump is arrested.

Either we are a country of laws, or we are a fascist banana republic that only one man rules.

It Seems Trump Was Hiding Top Secret Documents

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