Musk is a South African Racist and a Bigot

Musk is a South African Racist and a Bigot
Musk is a South African Racist and a Bigot

If you want to know a man, besides reading or listening to his recent words, or getting to know his friends, then you must dig into his past history. If you want to know Elon Musk, then you aware yourself about the embedded racism at Tesla plants that he refused to tackle. Or worse, yet, to know this man, you must understand where he came from and what his parents taught him. Add to the mix his willingness to reinstate Donald Trump on Twitter, considered by millions of Americans to be the most racist man alive, and one would fully be able to give the richest man in the world a label: Elon Musk is a South African racist and a bigot.

If anyone out there believes he is a champion of free speech, as he claims he is, one should read about the number of people he blocked on Twitter. Just for their constructive criticism of his personae.

Musk takes us for real fools.

What did the man who grew up in racist South Africa do about a culture of racism at his own Tesla plants? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.


Once Elon Musk takes command of Twitter, the platform will become a resting place of racism and hate. It is already happening as people are abandoning Twitter in favor of joining Mastodon or Diaspora, both alternative social media platforms the users themselves monitor.

How do we know that?

Here is what the State of California discovered after three years of investigating the culture at Tesla plants.

The California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing says it found evidence that Tesla routinely kept Black workers in lower-level roles at the company, assigned them more physically demanding work, and retaliated against them when they complained about racist slurs on the assembly line.CNBC by Lora Kolodny - February 10, 2022

What did the man who grew up in racist South Africa do about it? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Like I said, Elon Musk is a South African racist and a bigot. He is a Donald Trump in disguise given the fragility of his thin-skin and absolutist narcissistic tendencies.

Now just imagine if all liberal-minded people who refuse to embrace bigotry and hate transferred to another social media simultaneously.


South Africa’s Apartheid started crumbling when Congress passed the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986. But, in reality, it did only end on July 2, 1993 when the South African White Supremacists in power resigned and called for a democratic election .

Since Elon Musk was born in 1971, his most impressionable years were spent in South Africa until he emigrated to Canada, with his parents, at the age of 17. Those were years of listening to his parents favoring Apartheid and being part of that racist system of loathing and hostility.

Later on, his racism showed up at his own Tesla plants; and now it is showing again by seeking to reinstate to Twitter the most vile and racist human being on earth.

Those who will remain on Twitter should brace themselves for the worst experiences of their lives after Elon Musk takes over. As far as this Blog is concerned, we are deleting our account the day Elon Musk takes over and join another social media platform.

Now just imagine if all liberal-minded people who refuse to embrace bigotry and hate transferred to another social media simultaneously. Just abandon Twitter and follow, or be followed, on another platform by the same people who also abandoned Twitter. A massive, but parallel, migration of sort.

Now that would be sending Donald Trump and Elon Musk a message. One which refutes the two racists men.

Oh and by the way., if you are in the market for a Tesla, check the growing competition. There are some nifty cars, costing much less, coming down the pike. There are 18 of them in 2022.

Elon Musk is a South African Racist and a Bigot

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