Punish The Evil To Safeguard Michiganders Power

Punish The Evil To Safeguard Michiganders Power
Punish The Evil To Safeguard Michiganders Power

DMFI, a pro-Israel group closely aligned with the demonic and secretive AIPAC, is spending tons of money to scare Michiganders not to vote “uncommitted” in November because the alternative is the more devilish Donald Trump. The campaign, if successful, would erase the power of Arab-Americans in an important swing State in future Presidential elections. If Michiganders do not stay united and vote “uncommitted”, their power would dissipate faster than a morning fog. It is important to punish the evil in order to warn future evils that Michiganders’ voices matter, and that future Presidents must account for their power.

Even if that means Donald Trump wins the election. Trust us, the jury is still out as to who is truly worse for Arab-Americans, Joe Biden or Donald Trump. This is a long game, and Arab-Americans must stay united in their call for an “uncommitted” vote, regardless of the consequences. The Arab-Americans of Michigan can save their power by not letting Jewish money influence their decisions.

Arab-Americans need to demonstrate that DMFI’s campaign is hopeless and useless, and that their unity is unbroken.


If Joe Biden loses in November because Michigan refutes him due mostly to the Arab-American votes, the stars would align nicely for their community to use their newly acquired power in the future to force Presidents to commit to a reasonable agenda. Instead of salivating over the Zionist money and power, the violent Zionists use it very effectively to whip America into submission.

Only if their “uncommitted” votes causes havoc in the Biden Presidential elections, can the Arab-American community of Michigan dictate their agenda to any future candidate for president. It’s that simple. They must exercise that power now.

We hope the Arab-American leadership in Michigan, led by the smart and energetic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Abdullah Hammoud and so many dedicated people and organizations like the ADC, heed the advice of what political power dictates by launching a counter-campaign to DMFI’s malicious ads.

Arab-Americans need to demonstrate that DMFI’s campaign is hopeless and useless, and that their unity is unbroken.

Biden is analyzing its results almost instantaneously using AI.

Punish The Evil To Safeguard Michiganders Power

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