The Impact of the Gaza War on Western Civilization

The Impact of the Gaza War on Western Civilization
The Impact of the Gaza War on Western Civilization

Unbeknownst to the extremist, narrow-minded leaders of today’s Israel, and the out-of-touch octogenarian Joe Biden, in addition to bubble Zionist billionaires, the impact of the Gaza War on Western Civilization may cause its downfall. One in which the Southern Hemisphere is rising to claim its role in world affairs against colonialism, exploitation, and violent arrogance.

It has become clear to the entire globe just how pretentious Western double-standards have become in the face of Russia invading Ukraine, which is farcically condemned, but Israel’s destruction of Gaza is supported and even encouraged.

The two opposing reactions to both wars are parading a naked Western emperor. One who is unable to come to grip with the reality of how American arrogance and violence since World War II has metastasized into pure contempt for its behavior as a superpower.

Even if the war stops today, the damage Israel caused Gaza has been permanently tattooed in the brains of the Gen Z the world over.


Gaza broke that camel’s back.

Countries and people are reacting negatively to Western complicity in the genocide the world over, and the class of American Zionist billionaires, living in a bubble, have yet to understand how big is the storm coming their way. Their funding of Israel and influencing of U.S. politics in favor of a Genocide are going to slowly turn Americans against Jews.

Why did AIPAC push for the ban of TikTok in the first place? That extreme act of stifling freedom of speech demonstrates amply the panic Zionists are experiencing. Yet, they remain relentless in pushing their luck down an abyss.

One that is of their own making. No Zionist billionaire should run down the street claiming to be a victim, or screaming antisemitism because that well may have gone dry by now.

Even if the war stops today, the damage Israel caused Gaza has been permanently tattooed in the brains of the Gen Z the world over. Its microscopic spectrum has lifted like fog to cover every nation that endured Western colonialism throughout modern history. There is no place to hide, and there is no history to conceal anymore. The world is connected and aware.

Since Gaza, 20 more countries have asked to join BRICS+.


Where are the signs to justify the predictions of the imminent collapse of the Western civilization, which Gaza has brought forth.

First and foremost, some 4 billion people have aligned themselves with a new world order (BRICS+) aiming to dedollarize the world economy, which would abandon the dollar currency the United States has been using as a weapon. Mainly, to punish countries that refuse to take their marching orders from Washington. Since Gaza, 20 more countries have asked to join BRICS+.

So far, about 35% of world trade has sidestepped the dollar entrapment. China and Malaysia are working on an Asian Monetary Fund, Russia and Iran are working on a cryptocurrency, backed by gold, to substitute for using the dollar, and India is pushing for using Rupees for all its non-oil trades.

A dollar collapse would mean a stock market collapse as well. Gaza may have pushed the US luck down the toilet.

With the chokehold AIPAC has on U.S. Congress, the Israeli apartheid system will take longer to demolish.


Besides the aspect of a forked Western tongue, let us not also bypass a subject that is causing sleepless nights to the leadership of AIPAC. All those student protesters on US camps, and in foreign countries in support of Palestinians freedom and statehood will be coming back in two months time. From any angle you look at it, Israel finds itself in the same space South Africa under its apartheid system found itself in 1986.

And although it was U.S. Congress, which got the ball rolling towards the demise of apartheid in South Africa, with the chokehold AIPAC has on U.S. Congress, the Israeli apartheid system will take longer to demolish. It would have to be a grassroot effort bringing people from different classes, and even different political aspirations.

Be it geographically, economically, or politically, countries are beginning to abandon the United States because of its commitment to a world order that only serves its interests.


Since the Gaza War, both Chad and Niger have asked the U.S. to leave their territories, and so did Iraq. Many smaller nations, dependents on U.S. largesse, are reading all the signs of a debt-ridden superpower that would force them to look for greener pastures in the BRICS+ new world order.

It would surprise us little to see more countries abandon the dollar and American so-called “protection”. Saudi Arabia, for example, refused to re-sign its commitment to use only US dollars with oil trade. Be it geographically, economically, or politically, countries are beginning to abandon the United States because of its commitment to a world order that only serves its interests.

When it does not, it breaks it to pieces, as we have witnessed when Joe Biden bent over backward to claim Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza. When all data, visuals, and expert reports prove otherwise.

Mostly because the US rules-based order has been established to weaken its enemies, and not out of respect for the law.


The impact of the Gaza war on western civilization is having a lasting and permanent impact. Yet, the Zionist billionaires in America, many of whom will see their wealth diminish in value as the de-dollarization slide continues, have their horse blinders on.

There is no better compass to showcase where does the future of Israel lies than the one the United Nations expressed freely in its 153 votes to call for a ceasefire. That moment of truth has opened a Pandora’s box for Israel and AIPAC. That vote partially declared “No one wants Israeli violence against the oppressed Palestinians”, as well as “We hate Israel”.

Israel can never survive in such an environment of hostilities, where not only the world is attempting to curb its violence by any means possible, but some of the most powerful countries are also trying to weaken America.

Mostly because the US rules-based order has been established to weaken its enemies, and not out of respect for the law.

The Impact of the Gaza War on Western Civilization

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