The Isolation of Israel is Reaching Deep into Europe

The Isolation of Israel is Reaching Deep into Europe
The Isolation of Israel is Reaching Deep into Europe

Don’t listen to us telling our readers that Israel has become a pariah state. Just watch what is happening on the European continent where Norway, Ireland, and Spain have committed to recognizing Palestine as an independent country by May 28. While this may look benign, the truth of the matter is that the isolation of Israel is reaching deep into Europe as more countries view the Netanyahu government as a Nazi-like, warmongering entity unwilling to coexist with its neighbors.

There is almost a certainty that the United States tried hard to persuade all three European countries to abandon what amounts to be a foolish idea by Genocide Joe. The fact that Europeans are beginning to see the Zionist project failing on a scale to warrant recognition of Palestine, thus opposing one of their modern colonies, speaks volume about the harm Israel is causing to its own existence.

It also goes to show that Zionism, for all its show of power in the United States and the U.K. lacks any legitimacy in other European countries, or the world for that matter. What can 18 million Jews, of which only 12 millions are Zionists, could do anyway. Their billions could not possibly close the world’s eyes to their terror or taint their conscious with lies and deceptions.

In the West, North, and South of Europe, they could not care less about Zionism. Hurray for Ireland, Spain, and Norway. The millions of oppressed Palestinians salute you.

There is also a great possibility that more European countries would soon recognize Palestine.


Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre spoke of his country’s decision by saying:

In the midst of a war, with tens of thousands killed and injured, we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Two states, living side by side, in peace and security.NBC News by Chantal Da Silva - May 22, 2024

His counterpart in Ireland, Prime Minister Simon Harris, had similar words to express. He said, we “offer hope and encouragement to the people of Palestine at one of their darkest hours.”

Unlike Genocide Joe, who keeps lying to the Palestinians about a two-state solution while vetoing a U.N. Resolution for the recognition of Palestine, only one month ago. There is also a great possibility that more European countries would soon recognize Palestine. In the coming days or weeks. Like Slovenia.

This is not only a blow for Israel, but also for the United States, whose weapons are causing so much death and destruction to the Palestinians.

It’s the beginning of the end of the violent Zionist project that many countries around the world are beginning to see its dangers reaching their own borders and sovereignty.

It is almost a guarantee that some Zionist bombs are going to explode in any of the three countries in the weeks to come.


In retaliation for their courage against Israeli terror, the Israeli government cited all three countries for “rewarding terrorism”. While forgetting its own terror, dropping two ton bombs on defenseless women and children. Netanyahu, the genocidal maniac, forgot how many Palestinian children he murdered, burned, and starved.

In addition, Israel retaliated by recalling their Ambassadors for all three countries. If you ask us, I think all three should close the Israeli embassies for good. It won’t be long before Netanyahu uses the Mossad to spread terror on the continent, using ISIS as his cover.

It is almost a guarantee that some Zionist bombs are going to explode in any of the three countries in the weeks to come. This is what Israel does best. Violently kill people all over the Middle East, and now they are coming to Europe.

Biden, for his part, is not going to move a finger to save his native Ireland from the terror of Israel. He has an election to win, and he needs the Zionists to help him win it.

The Isolation of Israel is Reaching Deep into Europe

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