Any President Can Rescind Recognizing Palestine

Any President Can Rescind Recognizing Palestine
Any President Can Rescind Recognizing Palestine

President Biden is trying desperately to meet with Michigan’s Arab American communities because the math for him to remain in the White House must pass through their 250,000 votes. Today, the majority of them refuse even to hear his name, let alone vote for his genocide in Gaza, and lack of commitment to seek a ceasefire. So, Biden is dangling the Palestinian statehood carrot in the hope they would soften their position, even though, in the future, any president can rescind recognizing Palestine with a stroke of a pen; if its recognition is not a law that Congress passed.

Even if Congress acts in favor of recognizing Palestine, AIPAC could challenge Biden’s recognition, or the law, in 2025 by appealing to the Supreme Court. Arab and Muslim Americans should be wary of hollow promises that are not set in stone.

They should learn from the lessons of how the same European settlers, over and over again, rescinded their promises to the indigenous Indians when it suited their purposes.

Netanyahu must go before November 2024. Let Biden interfere in Israeli politics the way AIPAC interferes in ours.


The main difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is that Trump would tell you in your face what he is going to do, but Biden would tell two different groups of people opposing lies to get his way. For the likes of Joe Biden, stabbing in the back comes naturally and willfully.

Truth be told, Biden is a snake full of Zionist venom for ALL Arabs and Muslims. If he really cared about a Palestinian Statehood, maybe he should first call for a ceasefire, refund UNRWA, show us a plan how to rebuild Gaza, and call for Netanyahu’s resignation publicly.

On the latter matter, Netanyahu must go before November 2024. Let Biden interfere in Israeli politics the way AIPAC interferes in ours. No Palestinian, Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi, or Lebanese is safe as long as Netanyahu is in charge. He is a Stalinist mass murder that Biden, the idiot, unleashed on the region, and he must put that brutal thug to pastures. It’s Biden’s responsibility.

Then and only then, Arab and Muslim voters in this country should reconsider voting for Biden with the knowledge that he will find a way to stab you in the back at a later time. Yes, and that includes rescinding his own Executive Order to recognize Palestine, if it comes to that.

Have everyone noticed that the White House did not respond to Netanyahu’s refusing the ceasefire conditions Hamas has proposed? The mass murder of civilians continues.

Gaza also united the Arabs and the Muslims in the United States in ways no other Middle East war has in the past.


Nothing that we could say about Gaza would expunge the pain its people have suffered because of both the United States’ and Israel’s policies. The death and destruction is unmatched in history. Not even Dresden during World War II, the allies bombed incessantly, has suffered the same fate as Gaza.

However, Gaza also united the Arabs and the Muslims in the United States in ways no other Middle East war has in the past, as they watched the atrocities Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu are able to perpetrate with impunity. Arab and Muslim Americans must put that power to good use in the future in swing states to impact positively the facet of our democracy.

This means putting Joe Biden on notice to flex those newly developed muscles that would eventually invite friendlier policies, and less animosity towards a community that has suffered much hate and loathing since 9/11. Thanks mostly to AIPAC and its Zionist doctrine of apartheid, in addition to politicians all too happy to take money from Jewish billionaires to do their Zionist bidding.

Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia in the Presidential elections of this year offer an opportunity to showcase immense Arab American powers.


Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia in the Presidential elections of this year offer an opportunity to showcase immense Arab American powers. But the power of votes, which only comes every four years, if not used in perpetuity, is not enough. Its lasting impact and its shelf life, in the minds of politicians, is a function of a campaign of reminders. Biden understands it now, but if he wins in 2024, he would soon forget it. But the next candidate must never lose sight of that power.

Therefore, Arab and Muslim Americans must constantly, through communications, meetings, public relations, and social media, remind the DNC and the RNC that Arab Americans are watching like hawks. Organizations like Emgage, ADC, AAI, CAIR, and others are doing a stellar job of monitoring and informing Arab Americans about political deviations and AIPAC maneuvers to cause more harm to the Middle East. It is a question of time before the United States attacks Iran, even if it causes US troops to die, at the behest of AIPAC influence and insistence.

Just as AIPAC watches and acts against politicians who do not bow to Zionism in Israel, these Arab and Muslim organizations must emulate and stimulate in the opposite direction.

AIPAC money can never change the hearts and minds of the informed.

Any President Can Rescind Recognizing Palestine

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