Two Madmen Are Leading Us Into World War III

Two Madmen Are Leading Us Into World War III
Two Madmen Are Leading Us Into World War III

Between Benjamin Netanyahu’s terror and Joe Biden’s checking out mentally, two madmen are leading us into World War III faster than we think. With the new weapons Israel has received from Joe Biden, Netanyahu is going to use them to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria in order to delay the inevitability of his end-of-the-line premiership.

Neither Biden nor his staff are asking themselves the tough questions: Where will more violence lead Israel and the United States to but more isolation, and less tolerance for the excessive use of force? Will attacking Hezbollah prompt Iran to enter the battle? How would Russia, Iran’s closest partner, react to this escalation? Just simple questions Biden is too senile to ask.

Besides the fact that many of the weapons Biden just sent Israel would be directed against civilians, or organizations Israel has a grudge against, like the United Nations, how would that make the U.S. safer? No one is asking the tough questions. Weapons, to Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan, are like toys they can use to play masters of the universe.

Hamas is not an Iranian invention. But Hezbollah is their little baby. If Israel escalates against Hezbollah, it won’t be long before Iran starts attacking with unstoppable missiles all the U.S. bases in the Middle East.

Maybe this is AIPAC’s aim. Starting a war against Iran that the United States would fight on behalf of Israel. Really, two madmen are leading us into World War III.

Much cooler heads must prevail because as AIPAC led us into the Iraq War, it is now leading us into a much larger and deadlier Iran War.


All it takes is for one wrong bombing against Hezbollah before Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz to all oil and gas traffic. Potentially, Biden thinks he can win the elections with gas hovering at $6 a gallon.

That idiot does not know what he is doing.

If so, will Biden go to war with Iran too? How many countries do we have to bomb simultaneously to save Benjamin Netanyahu and his government of terror masquerading as a legitimate entity?

It’s not only Netanyahu who is seeking a larger regional war that would involve U.S. troops to save Israel, it’s Biden too. Israel is leading him by the nose like an imbecile.

There are two madmen running wild in Washington and Jerusalem, just like another German madman ran wild in 1939. Perhaps Biden thinks he can only win the elections if he can rally the American people around his wars. It is probable he thinks sending Israel weapons to attack other countries is the same as sending U.S. troops to Afghanistan to kill Bin Laden. Who knows what that senile man is thinking?

Folks, it does not look good with those two nutcases who are ignoring the whole world as they play with the lives of people like it was Monopoly money. Much cooler heads must prevail because as AIPAC led us into the Iraq War, it is now leading us into a much larger and deadlier Iran War.

And Biden, the doormat, is obediently following.

Two Madmen Are Leading Us Into World War III

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