Two War Criminals are Burning The Middle East

Two War Criminals are Burning The Middle East
Two War Criminals are Burning The Middle East

Between a feeble and weak Joe Biden and the uncontrollable madman Benjamin Netanyahu, two war criminals are burning the Middle East. Literally. One delivers the munitions and the other drops them on targets in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen with no regard for civilian life. Never in the history of the region have two such men of evil combined forces while leaving behind them a trail of death and destruction with no match to any other event in history. Not the Nazis with their barbarity, and not the bombing of cities like Dresden in World War II.

It is going to take decades for the United States to regain its footing among the 21 Arab nations of the Middle East and their people — emphasis on people. Many rulers of these countries are silent today out of fear for reprisals from an unhinged Netanyahu, while others are in disbelief to how evil the United States truly has become under the Joe Biden administration for ignoring Netanyahu’s massacres.

It seems that a bunch of angry and evil Zionists are running our country from the White House — yes, you Zients –, the State Department — yes, you Blinken –, and the Pentagon — yes, you uncle Austin. Between them and the billionaires funding the Harris campaign, they are destroying America’s reputation across the world for generations to come.

As if they care, but about Israel.

Israel will collapse under the weight of global hate and boycotts. Mark our words.


Even when Israel killed the secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, it did not slow down. The day after, on September 29, American bombs that Israel dropped on Lebanon killed over 100 Lebanese, with tens or hundreds still under the rubble. Women and children are literally sleeping in the streets because Israel is calling building owners across Beirut, threatening to destroy their properties if they house any displaced families. No one is safe from the evil of Israel.

Netanyahu’s appetite for blood has never been satiated. Not after destroying Gaza and killing some 20,000 children, and not after destroying the Hezbollah leadership by displacing one million Lebanese civilians. He will continue on his quest to kill as many of his enemies, regardless of the cost to civilians.

Because of the Zionists at both ends, two war criminals are burning the Middle East with no one to stop them. Both are pro-colonialists dinosaurs that the world has long refuted their savagery to the dustbins of history, which explains why Israel is the most hated country in the world. Bar none.

We all know Netanyahu could not give a care about what others think of Israel, but what he does not realize is the BDS Movement trickle impact on the Israeli society, which will find itself on its last legs soon. No country, no matter how powerful, can come to the rescue of what’s in store for Israel.

Israel will collapse under the weight of global hate and boycotts. Mark our words.

Two War Criminals are Burning The Middle East

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