US Diplomacy That Sodomizes its Victims

US Diplomacy That Sodomizes its Victims
US Diplomacy That Sodomizes its Victims

When the world realizes the violence of American hegemony over Arab and Muslim countries — over 35 armed conflicts since World War II to include the deliberate mass murder of civilians — one can conclude one irrefutable fact. American projection of power in the Middle East begins with a US diplomacy that sodomizes its victims by using Israel as its iron rod, and the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu, a war criminal, as icing on America’s cake. Everything our diplomats relay to other Arab or Muslim countries aim for one sinister goal, which is to force that country to submit.

If not, America unleashes its top dog, Benjamin Netanyahu, to destroy your country and mass murder your women and children. For some in the US military industrial complex, Netanyahu is a godsend. Everything that happened to Gaza under his genocidal criminality so far is but an American plan to bend the Palestinians to America’s will.

Wonder no more why Joe Biden refuses to halt weapon deliveries to Israel. It is all by design.

This explains why the BRICS+ new world order is catching like fire.


On the surface, countries like Bahrain and the UAE have voluntarily acquiesced to normalizing their relations with Israel. But deep below the surface is American diplomacy at work sodomizing these countries by forcing them to submit to the US and Israel’s will.

It is not a coincidence, nor is it a choice for the UAE. These small and rich countries cannot afford the wrath of America’s violence, which would not hesitate to carry out a coup against their rulers should they not abide by America’s wishes. It is synonymous to abide by the will of the American Zionist billionaires class ruling the country.

US diplomacy is so unhinged, countries are desperately looking to exit America’s cycle of arrogance, exploitation, and often violence. A la Gaza.

This explains why the BRICS+ new world order is catching like fire. As of now, over 60 countries want to join that new economic world order, which will turn political and military the moment it reaches critical mass. So far, many BRICS+ countries are starting to pivot away from the US dollars in their trades.

Eventually, this ugly reality has to come to an end.


Before every act of American violence against Arab and Muslim countries, its diplomats first carry a message of friendship and cooperation, which, if it fails to work, turns into veiled threats. After which, it turns into violence, with American bombs killing at will.

We believe that the combined impact of drastic demographic changes in the US and the BRICS+ rise on the international stage are enough to deliver a knockout punch against those inhuman American politicians. Many of whom are too happy to use Israel as their iron rod to sodomize the Middle East, or the dollar to sanction, or their bombs to kill viciously.

Eventually, this ugly reality has to come to an end. The last to know this truth are the US politicians actively working behind the scene to kill Palestinian women and children in Gaza today.

Their heads are so far buried in the sand, they have no idea how big the Tsunami will be coming the US way if the US does not abandon its demented tactics.

US Diplomacy That Sodomizes its Victims

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