We Told You Joe Biden Was Too Senile

We Told You Joe Biden Was Too Senile
We Told You Joe Biden Was Too Senile

We told you Joe Biden was too senile to be our commander-in-chief, but the DNC kept playing with fire by backing him 100% at the expense of allowing Trump to return with vengeance. After this fiasco of a debate, to many Americans, Donald Trump is almost a shoo-in, as most (67% to 33%) cringed while watching Joe Biden struggle to stay alive on national TV.

The worst, besides Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, was his wife Jill, who came out swinging with so much joy for her husband’s mummy-like performance. Like a schoolteacher, she lauded her should-be-in-an-assisted-living-home husband for “answering every question and knowing all his facts”.

On that basis, we have to assume, then, that usually he does not answer any questions or know his facts when the cameras are off.

“Eat your breakfast, Joe, and don’t forget to brush your teeth.”

Watch the video below, and weep for our country.

For the sake of this country, we need someone like Jill Stein, whose common sense approach to America’s decline is the best antidote for this nation to become great again.


One thing has become quite clear to many Americans after they painfully quivered while watching Joe Biden embarrass himself on the national stage. The man is too old, too decrepit, and too mentally demented to be in charge. Who is running our country, then? Is it the myriad of dozens of Zionist high officials in the Biden administration? Or, maybe, it is Jill Biden. Either way, we never voted for either.

Don’t misunderstand our criticism of Biden as support for Donald Trump. One is worse than the other, in our opinion. For the sake of this country, we need someone like Jill Stein, whose common sense approach to America’s decline is the best antidote for this nation to become great again. Not the kind of racist and violent “great” Trump advocates for. But a caring country that could balance between capitalism and empathy. For all.

The pain Joe Biden has caused millions of innocent Palestinians, who are trying to survive the cruel system of apartheid in Israel, is inconsolable.


F*** Trump for using the word “Palestinian” as a slur in last night’s debate. That was certainly planted by a dirty Zionist close to his campaign. The Palestinian people are the most honorable people in the Middle East. They are worthy of our respect for defending against the most inhumane army in the world, and continue, with bravery and courage, to fight for their rights and their lands.

Trump is a piece of S***. No different from Joe Biden.

Many in the Democratic Party are calling for Biden to abdicate his throne, but to no avail. He would rather lose to Trump than admit that his crackpot brain is not up to the task. It’s the same brain that led him to open the purse for Israel to kill as many Palestinians as it can. He will never wear down that shame.

We will never forget Joe Biden. And as much as it disturbs us that Donald Trump will most likely win this election, we are happy to see Biden lose it. The pain he has caused millions of innocent Palestinians, who are trying to survive the cruel system of apartheid in Israel, is inconsolable.

We hope no one in his family suffers the way the Palestinians did because of his policies.

We Told You Joe Biden Was Too Senile

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