Will the West Defend Israel or Jordan?

Will the West Defend Israel or Jordan?
Will the West Defend Israel or Jordan?

The foreign minister of Jordan, Ayman Safadi, paid a surprise visit to Iran. Partly to convince the Iranians not to attack Israel, but most importantly to find out if Iran might attack Jordan when King Abdullah orders the destruction of Iranian drones and missiles aimed at Israel. This begs the question: Will the West defend Israel or Jordan when Iran attacks, or, will Jordan pay the ultimate price by fronting the anger of the axis of resistance to neutralize its treachery to the Palestinian Cause.

Of course, the U.S., the U.K., and France are going to prioritize Israel over Jordan. This is not even subject to discussion. As a result, Jordan is extremely worried that its King Abdullah might not survive an Iranian attack on his military because nothing would please Iran more than to add Jordan to its list of assets on its axis of resistance.

For those wishful thinkers, it behooves you to consider that if Israel could not stop Hezbollah missiles and drones, Jordan will not either. Patriot missiles, or not.


Israel instigated the Iraq War, which permitted Iran to fold Iraq into its orbit, and now, because of Gaza, there is a possibility Jordan may turn into an Iranian moon circling the Zionist entity. Those Zionist idiots can never figure out how to win a war when their opponent is up to the task.

They are just good at attacking women and children in tents, but they lose all judgement when they have to fight real wars against real enemies.

As of now, there is no telling how Iran is going to retaliate against Israel violating its sovereignty. However, we assure you that Iran is eying Jordan as the ultimate prize in this war. Maybe the Jordanians know it, or maybe, King Abdullah is too committed to the security of Israel to see the writing on the wall.

We will know soon enough what the axis of resistance has in store for Jordan, when all the military prowess of the U.S. is only paying attention to Israel’s security. For those wishful thinkers, it behooves you to consider that if Israel could not stop Hezbollah missiles and drones, Jordan will not either. Patriot missiles, or not.

Israel delivered Iraq to Iran on a silver platter, and it seems Netanyahu is moving in the same direction when it comes to Jordan.


Add to this equation the amount of military hardware Russia has dispatched to Iran recently to defend against U.S. strikes, and it is possible, with that kind of security belt, that Iran sees Jordan as a jewel. Ready for capture, or at least ready for Iran to strike it long enough for the Palestinians in Jordan to rise against the king and his military entourage.

65% of Jordan’s 11 million citizens are of Palestinian origins, whose ancestors escaped the slaughter of the Zionists during the Nakba. Translation? No love lost for Israel, and possibly for Jordan, a nation that protects their tormentors.

Jordan is a vulnerable entity because its military machine is small and ineffective against the Iranian missile and drone supremacy. Now you know why Jordan paid a surprise visit to Iran.

Within a few days, or a few weeks, Jordan might find out how its playbook might fare in the face of Iranian anger. It may very well survive for now, but that does not mean Iran will abandon any attempts at pivoting the country to defend the axis of resistance instead of Israel. By any means possible.

Israel delivered Iraq to Iran on a silver platter, and it seems Netanyahu is moving in the same direction when it comes to Jordan. The best Jordan can do is keep its fighter jets on the tarmac and its missile defense systems quiet under the blistering sun of August.

Will the West Defend Israel or Jordan?

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