You Want to Avert War With Hezbollah, Stop War on Gaza

You Want to Avert War With Hezbollah, Stop War on Gaza
You Want to Avert War With Hezbollah, Stop War on Gaza

Almost every U.S. media outlet writing about the escalation between Hezbollah and Israel seem lost in that forest where imagination is the most precious commodity. No one, and I mean, no one, from the White House to Congress to Israel itself seem to be able to consider one simple solution: You want to avert war with Hezbollah, start by stopping your genocidal war on Gaza. Between the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and the weak idiot of our President, Gaza exists no more. It’s done. The torch-bearers of the Western civilization have destroyed it already.

But nobody is even contemplating that option, which goes to show that the real intent of the U.S. and Israel is to really kill civilians. Enough of them to force an ethnic cleansing that would ultimately annex Gaza to Israel.

As if the world would, after watching the Israeli horror show live on their screens, permit such inhumanity without responding. Either in kind or in some form of economic long-term boycott to erase Israel from the map. Eventually.

If Biden is afraid of Israel blowing up his re-election chances, he better turn off the spigot of weapon deliveries to Benjamin Netanyahu. Now and today. He has plenty of reasons to do if he would go on national TV to show the American people how many children Israel killed. He should do it while showing real images and videos streaming from Gaza juxtaposed to his speech delivery.

All of America would stand by his decision because most Americans are kind and thoughtful people.

But since the Palestinians refuse to submit to Israel’s apartheid and terror, American bombs are going to kill as many as they can kill. Innocent, or not.


There is a scene from a TV series called “The Old Man”. In it, an Afghani smart woman describes the two personalities Americans boasts and which she has recognized. Watch for yourself how true this is.

Besides AIPAC and the violent Zionists in Israel, there is a class of people in the United States who are as violent and as determined to kill and destroy anyone or anything that stands in their way. It is total submission or death, as far as they are concerned.

Unfortunately, Arabs and Muslims top the list of the extremely violent Americans the above TV series bring to our attention. UAE and Bahrain submitted through normalization. But since the Palestinians refuse to submit to Israel’s apartheid and terror, American bombs are going to kill as many as they can kill. Innocent, or not.

For this class of Americans, averting a war by stopping another is not part of their calculus. The US Industrial Military Complex will not allow for wars to end, as they are started to last as long as possible. Afghanistan lasted 20 years. How long will the Genocide in Gaza last? At least one year, if not more.

The world over is fed up with American and Israel violence. Gaza broke the camel’s back.


It is only because Hezbollah has some deterrence capabilities that is stopping the United States and Israel from bombing Lebanon to smithereens. The way both bombed Gaza. This deterrence, in the form of invisible drones and massive missile capabilities, are holding Israel at bay for the time being.

In our opinion, Iran needs to teach Israel a lesson that would pivot the country towards forced coexistence with the Palestinians. If not, today’s Israel is on the path of several new wars in the future. These wars would certainly give rise to a new world order where the United States has little say in direction.

The world over is fed up with American and Israel violence. Gaza broke the camel’s back.

You Want to Avert War With Hezbollah, Stop War on Gaza

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