Feast Your Eyes Upon the Western Civilization in Gaza

Feast Your Eyes on the Western Civilization in Gaza
Feast Your Eyes on the Western Civilization in Gaza

No other previous civilization, except the Roman, has bestowed upon the world so much good and so much evil simultaneously as has the Western Civilization that exists today in the United States and Europe. On one side, it celebrates human endeavor with so much innovation and modernization, but at the same it is willing to annihilate humanity when it suits its political and economic purpose. All one has to do to see both contrasts is to feast your eyes upon the Western Civilization and its barbaric accomplishments in Gaza.

The Western Civilization’s cruel genocide in Gaza has opened the eyes of the rest of the world. Invariably, no matter how much enlightenment the West provides its people, it cannot continue to exist when its agenda is also the colonization, the mass murder, the torture, the starvation, and the extermination of other people.

There is a point at which something has to give when billions of people are going to stand up to the U.S. and Europe’s sinister agenda of annihilation as it destroys the very fabric of universal humanity and morality. All the videos and all the images streaming on social media and on many TV screens around the world will have a long-term impact on eradicating whatever influence the United States and Europe can manage in a challenging world.

And just as America’s image did not survive the horrors of Vietnam, neither the U.S. nor Israel will survive the horrors of Gaza. That little strip of land showed us all that Zionism is a blemish on world peace, as much as Nazism was a blemish on Europe. Ultimately, all those American, Nazi-like Zionist billionaires pressing the buttons of genocide will eventually fall on their own swords, just as their ancestors fell on the swords of previous empires.

We suspect that the day after the Gaza Genocide ends, major discussions among Jews will materialize to address its negative impact on the Jewish faith. Whether Jews can survive the damage it has caused them because of its violent ideology.


Most Americans are utterly clueless about the role Zionist billionaires play to control our country and its revenues. Little by little, some brave souls out there are informing them through social media. Without a doubt, there will be a day of reckoning when the masses begin to stir to free our country from their chokehold on our political and economic establishments.

When that day comes, we are going to notice a drastic public pivot of how we view these Zionist traitors who only care about Israel and America only as their milking cow. This is the day Zionism will begin to die, as an ideology of tears and blood. And just as South Africa’s apartheid did not survive, nor will Israel’s. Except, this time around, the enemy is much more powerful and in full control of America’s resources and policies.

It is going to take longer to free ourselves from their curse.

Further, because of the violence of Zionism, all Jews around the world are paying a dear price for that violence, which has not gone unnoticed. Something that is not fair nor equitable because we suspect that millions of Jews want to live in peace with the Palestinians. This is the reason Zionism conflate its ideology with the Jewish religion because any separation of the two will doom the Zionist tenets.

It is highly probable that the peaceful Jews are silent, or forced to remain silent, as the genocide against Gaza grinds on. We suspect that the day after the Gaza Genocide ends, major discussions among Jews will materialize to address its negative impact on the Jewish faith. Whether Jews can survive the damage it has caused them because of its violent ideology remains shrouded in impulsive rejections.

Curbing the influence of Zionism is not enough, though. The world needs to eradicate that extreme violent ideology before it starts a nuclear World War III.


Whether that is going to be enough to curb Zionism, we are not certain. The barbarity of Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben-Gvir will remain a force in Israel. If the U.S. and Europe do not step up to smother that brand of fiery Zionism, Israel better prepare itself for a major war every two years or so until its society can no longer take it.

Already, Israel is increasing its military service from 2 years to 3 years for all reaching a certain age. That will tax their society heavily, as economic productivity would suffer immensely from lack of labor. If the extremist Zionists, aided by a lost Western Civilization, will not destroy Israel today, they will tomorrow. No need for Iran and Hezbollah to attack Israel because the extreme Zionists are doing a stellar job.

On their own.

Gaza is not only a turning point in the history of the Middle East, but it is playing a major role in sparking debates and introducing new initiatives and commitments. Many of those by countries at a loss for words for how we got ourselves to this point.

Spain, Norway, Ireland, and soon Japan recognizing the country of Palestine is just a step in the right direction against American Zionists and Israel. All these countries know how dangerous Zionism has become to world peace, and they are taking the measures necessary to curb its influence. Why? Because when you feast your eyes upon the Western Civilization Genocide in Gaza, you cannot but remember its root evil.

Curbing the influence of Zionism is not enough, though. The world needs to eradicate that extreme violent ideology before it starts a nuclear World War III.

Feast Your Eyes Upon the Western Civilization in Gaza

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