Israel Is Getting Desperate to End the War

Israel Is Getting Desperate to End the War
Israel Is Getting Desperate to End the War

Usually, crying for political help comes in spurts of emotional appeals or urgent positions that may look mundane but, in fact, hide much behind their veneer of innocence. Two such signs manifested themselves in Israel in one day. Benny Gantz threatened to abandon the Netanyahu war coalition if the prime minister does not clarify Israel’s exist strategy for Gaza. Then, Jack Lew, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, a known hardcore Zionist, made an appeal in a Tel Aviv rally that sounded more like Israel is getting desperate to end the war.

Between those two almost simultaneous news items, in addition to tens of videos from Hamas on the YouTube al-Jazeera channel showing its fighters killing IDF soldiers and destroying Israeli tanks, is hurting Israel badly.

Then, today, the extremist Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich threatened to re-occupy southern Lebanon if Hezbollah does not cease attacking northern Israel. Those are the kinds of comments that show how the level of frustration among the thugs running the country of Israel is taking its toll on their psyche.

The war is getting out of control and Israel is suffering the consequences of its genocide on many fronts, regional and global. It’s all fine by Benjamin Netanyahu, whose only remaining goal, after his blow of death against Gaza, is to remain in office.

Wait until the real boycotts of Israeli goods kick in, and the real costs o Israel’s war start adding up. It is hard to imagine such a small country is able to survive the economic pains it is going to face soon.

As usual, Israel has bitten more than it could chew, and it is finding it hard to admit or accept defeat.


If only Hamas submits and releases the hostages, Jack Lew said:

Hamas must release the hostages so that this crisis can end, and we can focus our efforts on bringing peace and stability to the region.” The most immediate way for conditions on the ground to improve is a hostage deal that would bring a cease-fire and massive inflows of humanitarian assistance. The humanitarian conditions in Gaza must improve, and the best way for fighting to give way to quiet would be for Hamas to agree to let the hostages go.Jack Lew (U.S. Ambassador to Israel) - May 18, 2024

Lew would not make this appeal if he had even the slightest knowledge that Israel is winning this war. The intelligence information he is privy to with regard to the real losses on the fields of battle, now that Hamas has opened another front in northern Gaza, must be devastating to the morale of the IDF.

The situation is becoming untenable for Israel, which believed it could simply free its hostages by destroying Gaza and mass killing its women and children. That calculation turned out to be erroneous. The Palestinians are holding steady, and fighting back because they have no choice but to fight back to survive Israeli terror.

The world should expect in the next days and weeks to come for such desperate calls by the Israeli government and the few real allies it has left to become more acute and more urgent.

As usual, Israel has bitten more than it could chew, and it is finding it hard to admit or accept defeat.

Israel Is Getting Desperate to End the War

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