The Netanyahu Legacy of Instability

The Netanyahu Legacy of Instability
The Netanyahu Legacy of Instability

Very few past world leaders outlive their legacy through spin, propaganda, and the re-writing of their own history. In the past, when news travelled much slower, violent men in power would rely on their versions of events to note history until they pass on, and the truth comes out in dribble and dabble. Such will not be the case of the Netanyahu legacy of instability which, from day one, could not write that history as the world watched live the horrors of this man’s existence.

Unlike, say, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler, who were able to swindle the world for a short period of time, Netanyahu’s atrocities have been streaming live on our screens for the past six months. The man cannot possibly spin them to create any illusion about the monster that he is.

We will have to wait whether Netanyahu would face justice for his crimes against humanity. In fact, we believe, the western civilization, built on the colonization of other peoples and lands, depends, for its strong continuity, on whether we prosecute Netanyahu, and his cohort Joe Biden, in a court of law. Failure to hold both men accountable will only weaken the pillars of our humanity upon which that civilization and its laws decreed themselves.

Both men have made a mockery of international law and human rights because of their Gaza Genocide.


One man’s history is another man’s garbage. For many in the West, Hamas has been portrayed as a terrorist organization thanks mostly to the Israeli Hasbara. But upon closer look, Hamas is nothing more than a resistance organization with an agenda to resist Israel occupation and apartheid.

It is true that Hamas wants to free its lands from occupation, but it is also true, because of its religious tendencies, Hamas also wants the demise of all Zionists. It will not stop until it reaches those two goals. You can call it a freedom resistance movement with genocidal tendencies as well.

Why Hamas attacked on October 7 was to avenge Israel taking West Bank Palestinians as hostages. Often for no reason but the way those Palestinians looked at the IDF soldiers patrolling the West Bank. Kid you not. Of course, Israel is not going to inform you of Hamas motives, only that the war started on October 7.

Nonetheless, Hamas or not, Benjamin Netanyahu targeting women and children in Gaza is a war crime. He should be prosecuted for those crimes if the west wants to keep its veneer of credibility intact.


No serious journalist has yet to write about Benjamin Netanyahu’s mental faculties. That he would bomb everything standing in the way in Gaza, kill its doctors and nurses, its journalist and aid workers, seem like normal for the reporters covering the war.

Then, Netanyahu attacks the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, killing 13 Iranians protected by international law. His act of terror just raised eyebrows in Washington when the whole world realized the rules of wars have changed because of Netanyahu. Yet, no one questioned his mental acuity. “Is the man really mentally stable?”, does not seem to cross anyone’s mind so far.

But Netanyahu was not done. He also killed the three sons and their children of Ismail Hanieyh, a high official in Hamas, cowered in Qatar. Still, nobody seems to conclude that this might be the act of a man who lost his mind. Not only that, but Netanyahu exposed his own family to terror. Especially that his 32-years old son is a beach bum living the life in Florida without any worries in the world when Israelis are dying fighting Hamas.

Someone must start asking the tough questions about Netanyahu’s mental abilities. If we do not, he could start a nuclear war just as easily as he illegally bombed the Consulate of a country, unprovoked and without any mitigating and reasonable factors.

Someone must end his life before he ends the lives of our troops fighting to save this animal.

The Netanyahu Legacy of Instability

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