The Premise of Mutual Destruction

The Premise of Mutual Destruction
The Premise of Mutual Destruction

Before Iran attacks Israel, the region is going through a period of psychological warfare and posturing. Iran tells the world it does not care if its attacks on Israel lead to a regional war, and Israel tells Lebanon it will destroy the country if Hezbollah attacks with its arsenal of missiles and drones. One has to believe both sides in this equation, which will lead to the premise of mutual destruction of both Israel and Lebanon.

There is no defense system in the world able to stop thousands of missiles raining on Israel, and Hezbollah lacks the technology to stop the aerial attacks of the Israeli Air Force.

For the war criminal Netanyahu, he is hoping that out of that mutual destruction, Iran might pay the ultimate price if and when Iran joins the fight on behalf of Hezbollah and the United States joins on behalf of Israel. This is all Netanyahu cares about. Even if that means Israel suffers irreparable damage because the U.S. will come running to rebuild at US taxpayers expense.

For the Biden Administration, the last it wants is to spoil the election of Kamala Harris by starting a war with Iran less than 3 months before November 5.


Furthermore, Netanyahu might yet start World War III if the Russians and the Chinese see an opportunity to weaken the US and NATO in the process. Both have already made gestures to enter the Middle East theater recently when China invited the different Palestinian factions to sign the “Beijing Declaration”, and Russia dispatched advanced weapons to Iran to fight Israel with.

Most important for the U.S. today is to defuse the tensions in the region. Not by holding Israel accountable for its crimes, but by pressuring Iran not to respond to Israeli terror. Did the U.S. promise Iran anything in return for standing down if it does not respond to Hanieyh’s murder? We assure you that the Ayatollahs in Tehran are not going to roll over for Israel, unless the U.S. commits to holding Netanyahu responsible for his terror in the future.

An oxymoronic act considering how weak a man is Joe Biden when it comes to holding Israel accountable for all the crimes it has committed over the last 10 months.

For the Biden Administration, the last it wants is to spoil the election of Kamala Harris by starting a war with Iran less than 3 months before November 5. For the war criminal Netanyahu, this is exactly what he wants in order to usher Donald Trump into the White House, while causing the death of American soldiers on behalf of Israel.

Israel is not a united society when it comes to its own, only when it comes to killing and starving the women and children of Gaza.


Soon enough, Netanyahu is going to go rogue again by killing another high visibility asset in Iran. Just to test Biden and his ability to withhold U.S. weapons to Israel. A challenge, we are almost certain, Biden will certainly pass over because the man is weak in his core. He cannot say no to Netanyahu, despite the fact that the genocidal maniac is working hard to throw the Democrats out of power.

In brief, a war between Hezbollah and Israel is more of a death warrant for Israel than Hezbollah. Even though it may kindle the premise of mutual destruction by both parties. Why? Because Israel has never experienced before the internal divisions and the internal wars, many groups are waging for their own benefits.

This is not a united society when it comes to its own, only when it comes to killing and starving the women and children of Gaza.

The Premise of Mutual Destruction

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