What Have We Done to the Children of Gaza?

What Have We Done to the Children of Gaza
What Have We Done to the Children of Gaza?

Nothing can excuse the complicity of the West when it comes to the Israeli slaughter of the innocent civilians of Gaza, especially its women and children. If Israel, the United States, or Europe believe they are going to write that history to fit their inexcusable narratives, it is going to make a mockery of western values. What have we done to the children of Gaza when we are silent while the Israeli violent Zionists butcher them like the Nazis butchered the Jews of Europe? Is this what the U.S. and Joe Biden want to b remembered for? Their complicity with an ultra-violent cult stealing people’s lives, lands, and properties? It seems so.

The carelessness and the utter irresponsibility of the West to halt a genocide is a turning point for the western civilization that many around the world see as a violent colonizing power, pegging the powerful against the weak. Gaza is but the overt expression of our inhumane violence against the helpless and the defenseless. Shame on the United States and Israel. Theirs is a history of infamy when it comes to the treatment of the Palestinian people.

The U.S. did it before to the indigenous Indians, the kidnapping and the enslaving of Africans, and now in the wanton butchery of Gaza. While the whole world is witness to that horrible American violence, which most Americans do not endorse, most people around the globe are turning numb. But that numbness is going to turn into action soon enough through boycotts and isolation of the U.S. and Israel.

What happened to the humanity and the morality of those we elect as our leaders?


There are not enough Palestinian tears to wash the Israeli genocide from the memory of generations to come. Not only the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslim are angry at what Israel is doing, but signs are popping all over the planet in Japan, China, Russia, Korea, and all countries in-between that shocked at American complicity. Gaza is s wake-up moment for the entire world that the U.S. will never be able to shed.

Honestly, what have we done to the children of Gaza? How could any Zionist, be they rich Americans, or lowly Israelis ever believe they are safe from the collective global anger that has spread like wildfire? They are not. Enough countries, people, and political forces around the world now understand that Zionism is a danger to life on the planet.

What happened to the humanity and the morality of those we elect as our leaders? Why have they sold their souls to the highest Zionist bidders, knowing well the world is watching? Don’t they know that the global community finally understands how dangerous Zionism has become?

We can’t wait for that day when the extreme Zionists all die, or return to their native lands, and the likes of Joe Biden never again rise to commit a genocide.


Our anger is a huge ship with a small rudder, but that rudder is finally pointing in the right direction. In fact, it won’t take long before the BDS Movement, against Israel, overt or invisible, takes its toll on the most violent and immoral country in the world. Certainly against those committing extreme violence so comfortably. It might take a generation before the BDS Movement destroys Zionism, but it will.

When that moment comes when Israel collapses, there will be at least a few billions of people who are going to celebrate with joy and relief. At least, the logic goes, those Zionist animals will never hurt another soul again. Not in Israel, not in Palestine, not in the Levant, and not in the Middle East.

We can’t wait for that day when the extreme Zionists all die, or return to their native lands, and the likes of Joe Biden never again rise to commit a genocide.

What Have We Done to the Children of Gaza?

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