American Zionism Is The Modern McCarthyism

American Zionism Is The Modern McCarthyism
American Zionism Is The Modern McCarthyism

When Bassem Youssef, the Jon Stewart of the Middle East, spoke in defense of the Palestinians on the Piers Morgan show, Hollywood quickly boycotted by cutting him from a role in the upcoming Superman Legacy movie. The same happened to Susan Sarandon and Melissa Barrera, their representative talent agencies saw fit to drop them after they defended the rights of the Palestinian people. With those two examples, American Zionism is the modern McCarthyism, boycotting livelihoods for speaking about Israeli atrocities.

As what Bassem Youssef said, what is so disturbing about this matter is the fact that any American can call Joe Biden “Genocide Joe”, but no one can criticize the foreign country of Israel. It’s like Biden is the foreigner and Israel is the President of the United States.

If you do not find this allegory dangerous, you need a shrink.

Zionism in America is killing our rights the way Zionism in Israel is killing women and children.


Americans can criticize anyone or any entity in America, except Israel. Holly macaroni. How did we get to let a foreign country control our First Amendment right so forcefully without the U.S. government stepping in to protect those rights?

Oh, yes. We know. It’s called American Zionist billionaires buying our politicians for breadcrumbs and then shutting down our constitutional rights. Amen to America that the few, more loyal to Israel than their own country, now totally control. No wonder, Joe Biden is not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. He takes his marching orders from a cabal of Zionist traitors.

We are waiting for the day the Supreme Court finally awakens to this total infiltration and control of our politics by a foreign country. This is our only hope for people like Sarandon and Youssef to regain their rights and dignity back. Otherwise, come Shabbat, we all should bow to Israel. Maybe even pray it continues killing the women and children of Gaza. Just as the Zionists in Israel command us to do.

After the Gaza War, there will be an awakening in America because of all the flack people endured when Zionists showed us who really controls this country of ours.

And never forget when the idiot Zionist billionaire, Bill Ackman, influenced companies not to hire those Harvard students who criticized Israel. He thought he was doing his loyalty to Israel a favor, when in fact it opened the eyes of many Americans about the sordid existence of Zionism on its soil, killing our rights the way Zionism in Israel is killing women and children.

American Zionism Is The Modern McCarthyism

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